It's been 5 months, 3 weeks and 4 days since I started this whole grand adventure up north in the boondocks of California, learning how to Jesus with Jesus while Jesusing for Jesus. Gosh, I love Jesus. What a stand up guy!
Anyway, as it should be expected for any bible school, evangelism in BSSM is a big deal. All year, we've been taught about how to love people like Jesus did which includes healthy communication and boundaries, healing, delivering, encouraging anyone of any sort and all the fancy toppings on an icecream cake (preferably Oreo-flavored).
In preparation for our mission's trip in April (my first one ever!), my Revival Group decided on having a time of outreach in our lil' o' city of Redding this last Monday. You see, Allison (aka myself) has never really felt all that prepared for outreach (which is just a comfortable word for Street Evangelism, right?). I could sit in the pews and be lectured all day about only needing a mustard seed of faith and knowing that the Holy Spirit is with me and recognizing that I am totally prepared for outreach--but let's be real: It doesn't mean anything unless you put it to the
So, idly skipping over a few minute details, I found myself in a team of four heading up to the second story of the local library in Redding. The location was chosen due to an abnormal amount of homeless people that normally gather there--and my teammates, being the fearless Jesusers they are, were ready for some serious outreach! I went without a fuss, although I wanted to hide behind the Marvel comics I found until it was all over.
But alas, the realization hit me that I (and several other people helped me THANKS!) paid $4,500 for this school and I wasn't going to simply read comics I could easily do for the rest of my life (rest assured, I will do this also). So I metaphorically rolled up my sleeves and gently approached an older woman reading a magazine. Oh God, how do I--what do I--Okay, yup, she's looking at me. I'm definitely in too deep now, there's no turning back; HERE WE GO--
"Hi there!" I said in my most intentional greetings.
"Hi?" She responded with utmost unintentions.
Que uncomfortable feelings.
"So..." I began, braving it straight to the point as gently as possible. "I was wondering if you'd like some company or prayer for anything?"
Immediately her face became hardened.
"Why? Who are you? What church sent you?" She immediately fired off a list of defensive questions.
It occurred to me then that...the reputation I believed Bethel had certainly wasn't the same reputation that several other people had. I gracefully danced around some of the questions, to which she immediately said, "No, I don't want company or prayer. Thanks but bye."
If I were a dog, it'd be obvious I left with my tail between my legs. I had never experienced that sort of rejection before, but nonetheless, I honored her wishes.
I sat down next to one of my teammates who asked excitedly, "How did it go?"
"I got rejected," I managed to say. But I was fighting off tears like Spider-Man fighting off the Goblin. It's one thing to hear stories of rejection in ministry, and another to actually experience it. And if it weren't for my teammate saying what he said next, I would've been such a loser that day! AND SPIDER-MAN NEVER LOSES (so neither does Allison!).
So he said, "That's awesome!" And before I could retort, he explained how I still 'won' because I took a risk and approached the woman, and God can still work with that no matter with what outcome.
Dear teammate (you know who you are), you reminded me of the most important lesson we've ever learned about evangelism: that Jesus's love never quits. It always wins! You have taught me the most valuable lesson in the midst of the test. Thank you!
Anyway, so I sat there and processed this revelation for about 4 minutes, and then I punched Satan in the face like Captain America did with Hitler, and I went and tried again with someone else.
By the end of the day, I found and accompanied a unique teenage girl who opened up some very vulnerable parts of her life story with me, prayed for her sprained wrist to work again, prayed for her brain tissue disease thing to go away, prayed for her headaches to stop, became friends via social media and I ended up walking away more encouraged by her than I felt like I could've been for her.
You see, the guide to evangelizing/Jesusing consists of these 3 basic concepts, and with them, you'll never go wrong:
1) Love the person like Jesus would,
2) Honor the person like Jesus would,
3) And take risk, like Jesus would.
You don't need to shout for someone to hear you. You don't need to hear the audible voice of the Lord to approach someone. You don't need to come up with a flawless formula to lead someone to Christ. the person. Honor the person. And take a risk.
And it's because of a risk that this blog exists (rhyming, woo)! And that makes for a very fine life, ladies and gentlemen.
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