Sunday, December 30, 2012

I'm Scared to Death that I'll Never be Afraid

It was just another cold, December day in Canada when my cousins and I were heading out to our family gathering. My attention turned to an odd light outside my window, and suddenly, I gasped.

Do my eyes deceive me?! I screeched. That is forming some sort of absurd ring around the sun!

"That's a Sun Dog," said my sister-but-cousin Ashley.

"No," I denied. "That ain't right."

After staring at it for several minutes and finally deciding to take a picture to provide some evidence (They'll never believe this down South, I thought to myself), my aunt clarified that the snowy crystals floating in the air cause the light to deflect around the sun and create a rainbow. A Sun Dog, as some might recognize. Why a dog, I will never know.

After experiencing this strange phenomenon, I began to think of all the other strange things I have experienced in the land of the Frost Giants that those down South would never experience, or perhaps even believe!

Like, how boogers actually freeze when it gets ridiculously cold. And let me tell you Texans, there is no weirder feeling than to have frozen things stuck up your nose, and feeling it all happen right below your very eyes.

And how there are mitten warmer thingies that look like tiny bean-bags, and you shake them around like a madman and somehow they get hot, and then you just stick 'em in your gloves and vuela, your hands are nice and comf in the deathly cold weather!

Also, it's true what the Canadians have told me. Once you hit -20'C (or -4'F), any temperature colder than that really doesn't feel any colder. You just feel cold. Cold nose, cold fingers, cold ears, cold toes. It's all just a big honking joy of cold.

AND, the sun goes down at 5. Do you know what time that is? The middle of the day. Why the sun decides to sleep in the middle of the day, I don't know, but if you wanna have a day--make it a good, short one.

You see, these are some of the things I have contemplated that are very strange and actually could make one terribly afraid--for those of you who are horrified of change. But, I find change to be exhilarating.
Why chase the rainbow into the neighborhood for a pot of gold, when you can chase after the ring around the sun for a pot of gold that will never end?
Boogers freezing? Well that's just cool. No pun intended.
Mitten warmer thingies? I know they are much better to have than to turn everything I touch into ice. A positive change, nonetheless.
Ridiculously cold weather? Sometimes it's better than ridiculously hot weather. It also comes with a side of snow for fun and ice for skating.
The sun going down at 5? Helps you live those few hours of daylight to the fullest!

And there you have it. Through all these drastic changes, I find myself unafraid. As the snow piles onto my car in feet and covers my Texan license plate, I am not afraid. In fact, I'm scared to death that I'll never be afraid. And to never be afraid of change surely must be a fine, fine life for anyone.

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