Dear fellow readers,
Today I am going to tell you why Jesus Man is Best Superhero. Some of you may be asking, who is Jesus Man? Well...
Jesus Man is a superhero. He is feared among all his enemies and is known to be the undefeated champion of Justice!
His abilities include (but are not limited to): Instant Teleportation, Invisibility, Lightning-fast Speed, Danger Senses, Enhanced Memory, Fire Resistance, Flight, Rapid Cellular Regeneration, Levitation, Nova Force, Phasing, Precognition, Resurrection, Seismic Power, Summoning Power, Super Strength, Time-frame Control, Telepathy, and Weapons Master.
Although Jesus Man is obviously the most decked-out superhero to ever be (yes, that means he's got more superpowers than Deadpool!), the world hardly knows his true name. Jesus Man's true identity, when he's not being a superhero is actually being a superhero but without a cape on, and he calls himself Jesus. Jesus Man's daily occupation is saving the planet though, so he hasn't hung his cape in a good two thousand years or so.
But! There is one very important thing you should know about Jesus Man.
It is that, for every single superhero you have seen in the comics and movies, he gave a little bit of his superpowers to that hero. Where do you think Captain America got his courage, and his stifling good looks? Where do you think Iron Man got his scientific genius, or the Hulk's desire to smash all the bad things? Superman could have never been so super without Jesus Man. And Batman wouldn't be so "Where's the detonator?"-dark-raspy-voice-kind-of cool if it weren't for him, too.
You see, there is a little bit of Jesus Man in all the superheroes. And there's a little bit of him in you, too! That are a superhero, and you know what? Since Jesus Man gave away a good portion of his superpowers to everyone, he now needs your help to make this world a better place.
And this is why Jesus Man is Best Superhero.
Because He wants each and every one of you to help Him save the day!
So don't let Him down, SuperPeople! LET'S GO SAVE THE DAY!